Astrological Genders


In astrology the female gender is assigned to the Earth and Water signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn & Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). These feminine signs are known to possess traits like receptivity, intuition, emotional awareness, empathy, compassion, judgment, and an eye for detail. Generally speaking, Earth and Water signs are usually more subjective in their reasoning, and are more concerned with emotional matters and material pleasures. The people born under feminine signs are not afraid to face the negative aspects of life. This is what, I believe, led to the association with being the “dark” or negative signs.


The male gender is assigned to the Fire and Air signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius & Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). These masculine signs possess traits that include being: logical, systematic, energetic, action-based, and objective. Signs of this gender are said to be more spiritually and mentally oriented. These signs prefer to keep things positive. They typically avoid dwelling or over analyzing things and this may be why these signs are said to be positive, or “light”.


In every person’s birth chart one can find a variety of planets and signs. Therefore, all people have astrological traits that contain masculine and feminine attributes. This concept agrees with Jung’s idea that all individuals contain qualities that are indicative of both genders. It is useful to explore how these gendered signs affect one’s own personal experiences concerning gender, conflict, dating, love, and life.


More on Gender in Astrology >>>

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