Gender Polarity

Anatomical Man

Gender Polarity: The final point to make on this topic, concerns polarity. This polarity refers to whether the sun sign matches the gender of the individual or not. When males are born under feminine signs, the expression of the sign is different. Males struggle with society aiming to curb their “feminine tendencies” and over time they may feel forced to hide these aspects of themselves from the rest of the world.


When women are born under masculine signs, they are often chastised for being too “boyish”. These women may excel thanks to confidence, and logic that is typical of the masculine signs. However these women are subsequently disrespected. They are sometimes labeled dragon ladies, or man-eaters for doing things that their male peers are commended for. It is unfortunate that society prefers to keep people imprisoned in one of two genders… when we should all recognize that people exhibit traits of both.


It is important to note that not all sun signs are assigned a single gender. Some folks are blessed with two! The people born under the cusps (this refers to a period of time when one sign is moving into the next one) are influenced strongly by two signs. These folks clearly possess characteristics of both genders and therefore have a lot going on (they are known to be intense). The cusp natives remind me of those who were considered to be two-spirits in Native American culture. While splitting gender into to categories can be infuriating from a Westerner’s perspective, it does not always lead to imbalance.


My advice to any person interested in astrology is to keep an open mind, and then take a closer look at the gender of your sun sign, moon sign, and ascendant. It may help explain a lot and will undoubtedly be interesting.

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