
The Element of Freedom

Air signs are communicators. These people are excellent speakers who are known to be markedly intelligent. Air signs experience life by filtering everything through the mind. Logical reasoning is paramount to the Air sign way of living. These folks are freethinking individuals that encourage change and enjoy being somewhat rebellious. The negative side of being born under the most intellectual of elements involves detachment. Air signs stand alone in their ability to detach from their feelings and emotions. Our modern world prizes this rare ability. While detachment is advantageous, is can hurt more than help. An Air sign that runs from emotions will eventually learn that he or she can never truly escape. Addictions, depression, and reckless behaviors are some of the unfortunate consequences seen in Air sign natives who refuse to learn to integrate their emotions. Also, as an Air sign try to be a little more empathetic to your non-Air sign friends, who make the mistake of going to you in search of comfort. While the petty drama of others may be annoying to you, consider it a complement that your pal picked you to help find clarity. It is a testament to your brainpower! If you find it that hard to relate to friends in need of your guidance, encourage these friends who cannot detach to be hopeful. It would be wise to tell them “things will get better,” offer a hug, and change the topic.

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